This map visualizes Wikipedia articles.
Cities represent articles, with neighboring cities being related in meaning.
Colored countries correspond to groups of related articles.
Map of Film Topics
This map visualizes films.
Each city represents a film, with neighboring cities being related in meaning.
Colored countries correspond to groups of related films.
Map of Company Groups
This map visualizes companies.
Each city represents a companies, with neighboring cities being related in meaning.
Colored countries correspond to groups of related companies.
Map of Film Interest by Gender
This map visualizes the interest in films by gender.
Each city represents a film, with neighboring cities being related in meaning.
Film interest is defined by the relative frequency with which a gender rates a film on MovieLens.
←more interest→
Map of Wikipedia Gender Focus
This map visualizes the gender focus of Wikipedia articles.
Cities represent articles, with neighboring cities being related in meaning.
Gender focus is based by the number of times a Wikipedia article refers to men and women.
←mentions more→
Map of Company Sustainability Ratings
This map visualizes the sustainability ratings of companies.
Each city represents a company, with neighboring cities being related in meaning.
Sustainability ratings are defined using data from CSRHub.